Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things About Me

In the workplace and at school,I am an organized individual. I purposely use labels on every box, container, and shelf in my study room. It is more convenient to reach for my supplies-paper,pens,books, without wasting time to search for items, that should already be in their place. This is less frustrating and less time-consuming.I am enthusiastic,motivated,and determined to accomplish my career goals followed by a specific plan, not only to obtain knowledge,but to actually apply the knowledge and utilize the skills to perform the tasks that are required of me. I have a great desire to reach to the top and to continue pressing forward,until I have completely fullfilled my dreams,desires,aspirations,goals,and plans. I feel good earning my own money,or a paycheck with my name on it. Most importantly, I can contribute to my family and to society in a positive way.One of the best advantages in life, is to earn an honest living and make the best of it. I enjoy being responsible and an independent adult. I am an honest and trustworthy individual.I strongly believe in following the established rules and policies that the company relies on,to complete any procedure,which involves a process. I believe that structure and organization behind a process are the essentials to maintaining accuracy in a business.

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